Monday, November 29, 2010

33 More Days

Seems as our milein' has pretty much started to fizzle. Other than a couple of participants, most have either hit their goal or given up. Those of you still trying to hit the goal in the next 33 days (Vicki, Mary, Carly and k.ry!), keep on going. As for the others, well perhaps we should start thinking about whether we want a challenge for 2011 or if we should take a year off.

Maybe back to food again like in the bacon-y glory days of 2008? Or perhaps something like this Free Fashion Challenge that some folks came up with? Personally I'm not sure that not buying any new clothes would be much of a challenge for me, but I'm sure for some this would be quite torturous.  Anyway, do some thinking.  2011 is creeping up on us.


  1. Hmmm I think we should do an ice cream challenge.

  2. Or perhaps a beer challenge?

  3. hmmm, the alcoholic in me would do a beer challenge where one would have to have a 12oz a day. As for Ice cream that may be harder, i guess we could always use a standard ice cream scope a day and go from there.

    My vote is for a beer a day or an apple a day.

  4. I'm not sure beer would be a huge challenge for this group, but it certainly would be fun. I like it.

    Apples would be more of a challenge, but would also be pretty fun I think. Apple pie everyday!

    So, I'm up for either.
