Monday, August 30, 2010

biking for miles

I love biking. It is a quick and easy way to get places and great exercise too! For those of you who are not as comfortable nagivating the streets I recommend joining your local Critical Mass. Here in Cleveland, at least, our Critical Mass isn't too into anarchy and only break some traffic laws. This past Friday we logged 16 miles on a beautiful evening before ending our trip at Whiskey Island where we enjoyed a Red Stripe Tall Boy and an amazing sunset! Give it a whirl!

270.6 miles to go.
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Sunday, August 29, 2010


So, I've been pretty strict about only counting my running miles. Obviously, with my 94 miles, this strict, by-the-book attitude has really been working for me. Anyway, I bike and ellipticize at the gym and do other stuff sometimes, but I was trying to run all my miles. I think I'm going to relax my personal rules, which brings me to my question. I was in NYC today, and wore a pedometer, just for funsies. It says I walked 4.7 miles over a 4 hour period. Should I count it? And if I do, am I really just cheating myself?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mapping out exercise

Yesterday I had an overwhelming desire to go running. It is a strange yearning considering I incessantly talk about running being the absolute pits - it's only purpose being exercise and there are so many other forms that are far more fun - yet there it was, I needed to run.

I live near the entrance to Edgewater Park in Cleveland, a nice path under the Shoreway drops me right into the entrance. Considering I have not ran in months I elected to take the lesser man's route by staying on the lower half and not navigating the killer hill that connects the lower and upper portions. To make up for my laziness I ran the lower loop twice. Of course, my Nike+iPod was not synching so I ran without my mileage tracking. As I was running and when I got home my mileage weighed heavily on my far did I go?!?

Today, I have been scouring the web for trail information. Attention ODOT/ODNR: Your lack of trail information is astounding. Where is the mileage information?!? Google Maps failed. RunningMap failed. None of them actually map out the interior or Edgewater. While Google Maps actually shows the interior of the park, it will not actually allow me to just map it out. Le Sigh.

So, my overwhelming desire to run made me happy and I did it. I THINK I ran 2.6 miles, not bad for someone who has elected to ignore running since March but it is pretty sad that lack of basic technology and information is still an exerciser's dilemma.

305.1 miles to go.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The mile-a-thon begins

Day one was pretty successful and motivating. I am glad this challenge was opened up to miles other than running; I have tried and tried but running is just the pits.  Instead, I biked up to Daystar with my friend. While their website is lame and the store was packed, the ride up Detroit Ave. was a breeze. The route is direct and roads are wide enough to comfortably ride. 9.8 miles later, it was a nice city ride.

Yikes! also had a soccer game. I would imagine I ran a mile after talking with Bill but do I count it? I think I had better, I have a deficit to make up. 354.2 miles to go.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Can I do it?

Good day, all. I just joined the challenge...August 11. That means I need to hit 365 miles in 142 days...some quick math tells me that is 2.57 per day, everyday. Totally doable.

I assume I have hit at least the 100 mi. mark already with my biking, etc but who's counting. I am not planning on back dating miles, just taking what I've got going forward.

Onward ho.

Thumbs Down To The Gym

Seems like most of us doing the Challenge are already fans of the great outdoors already.  But in case you needed some additional motivation, here is some scientific proof that pumping out some miles outside is more helpful to the body and mind than trying to do the same thing inside:  Ditch The Gym And Go Jogging To Boost Energy

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Another Mile Challenge Met...

Congratulations to Gav! I'm too lazy to figure out exactly when gav met the challenge, but it definitely occurred before 8/8!

Rock On!