Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Like A Modern, Racing Attila the Hun

If I asked you, "What are some of the best things in this world?" do you suppose you'd answer with one of more of the following?:  beer, mud, challenges, fire, funny hats, turkey legs, T-shirts, barbed wire, music

I'm guessing you would.

Well, a few of us Cleveland metropolitan area milers signed up for an event that has all of those things and more.  An event that Andy predicted to become "the best day of my life" ... It's the Warrior Dash.

We're signed up for the 6pm slot at the Joliet, IL battleground.  Joliet! Location of the first Dairy Queen, birthplace of Mike Alstott and Adrianne Curry and hometown of Doug Pinnick, Andy Dick and Lionel Richie (during their high school years).  Wait, did I just say "battleground" back there? Yes!!

Any of you located in the Midwest or located elsewhere but desiring a visit to Cleveland/Joliet, feel free to join (but do it quick as we're down to the last available time slot). There are other locations too so feel free to try a non-Joliet location and we can compare notes afterwards.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to begin training. Only 122 days left.


  1. Damn! Sold out! Can I come cheer?

  2. I smell a new blog...


    I'll see if it's available.

  3. Who knew something so ridiculous would be so popular? Come on out and cheer, Liz. You can still enjoy the festivities and maybe I'll even let you wear my warrior hat for a little while. Then we can go live it up in Joliet!
