Friday, February 19, 2010

Modern Art PEE-ces

Not that this really pertains to miles at all (other than walking I guess) but I found something quirky enough that might be worth mentioning.  It's not like anybody is really blogging as of late anyway so I don't exactly have to worry about stealing anybody's blogging thunder.  But sorry for swaying from the Challenge theme for a moment nevertheless.

So here it is ... an art show coming up in Lakewood, OH called PEE-ces of Art.  Check it out.  Dog pee photos!  Take that, MoMA!!

It's for a good cause. And it actually is pretty artistic if you look at them for a bit.

I saw these designs on the sidewalk numerous times awhile back and while eye-catching, I couldn't for the life of me figure out what was creating them.  Then I found the source -- Tucker peeing while walking. Once I solved that mystery I certainly didn't think, "I should photograph that and organize an art show" but I guess that's why I'm not an artist. Luckily Tucker's owners are. Or at least they have an artistic eye.

Tucker was even interviewed in the paper. That's an interview and an art show which is more than I can say for any of us thus far this year.

So check it out if you desire. 

And no, I'm not endorsing peeing while doing the Mile Challenge, even if you do photograph the results.

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