Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Rockin' and Runnin'

I finally remembered the name of a movie I saw awhile back that pertains to running. Sort of.  It's called Rock & Roll Superhero.  The movie is OK.  Not an award winner, but it's well done, fairly interesting and entertaining enough for a lazy weekend viewing.

Rock & Rock Superhero is really about this guy who is trying to get himself a job/life as a rockstar.  I'm not a rockstar success expert, but I know enough to know that he pretty much goes about everything in the wrong way.  Watching it all go down is pretty cringe-inducing.

The running part comes into play because this wanna be rockstar runs at least a mile everyday.  When the movie was being filmed he was coming up on 7 years.  At least a mile, every single day for 7 years.  I made it 31 days and I can safely say that even that short amount of time isn't easy.  I can't imagine a year.  Or 5.  Or more. 

And that's why nobody has made a documentary about me.

Here's the trailer if you care:

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